
Our Services

Today's pastors frequently experience fatigue, overload, stress, and resource deficiency. In addition, they often neglect their own needs since they are actively helping church members and those in the community or prioritizing other relevant church tasks. As a result, they encounter a variety of burnout and spiritual fatigue symptoms, including emotional withdrawal from friends and family, lack of appetite, altered sleeping patterns, and exhaustion.

Our main priority at SHIFT is to help improve pastors' general wellbeing so that they can serve their churches better. As a result, we aim to position pastors' families, teams, and churches to prosper in good physical and mental health.

Hybrid Format

The curriculum format is a hybrid style, with some supplied online and the rest in-person following social distancing rules.

Mentee Cohorts

Each cohort is associated with one of the six yearly conferences. Once a month, the cohorts will convene online with a group mentor.

What to expect


Mentees must attend the group and team mentoring sessions listed in the curriculum. Additionally, mentees must participate in SHIFT Sharing and cohort group reflections.

Quarterly Self-Evaluations

After each quarter, mentees must complete an evaluation, consultation, and assessment. Other cohort mentees may see the peer review section of the evaluations. In addition, after the program, mentees will complete a Customized Leadership Toolkit Presentation. They will also give these to the cohort mentees and facilitators.

Factors Included When Assessing Pastors Overall Wellbeing

High turnover rates are a problem for churches with burnout personnel and volunteers. Anxiety, weariness, and sadness are common among people who no longer find joy and purpose in ministering. This atmosphere may adversely affect a church's productivity and capacity to carry out its purpose.

Although each of these six is necessary on a holistic level, each person has different needs and demands. Whether a church leader needs to learn how to budget better or eat healthily, SHIFT Leadership aims to address those unique needs in their life. Below are the six unique factors in terms of pastoral wellbeing:

To make the gospel of Jesus Christ immensely approachable, our team at SHIFT develops a dynamic, all-encompassing leadership development and mentorship program that encourages self-awareness, creativity, the establishment of deep relationships, and self-differentiated leadership. We know pastors are essential in spreading the gospel and developing disciples. But in addition, pastors are necessary to fulfill the Great Commission and advance the Kingdom.

How We're Positioned to Help

Ministering is complex. Church leaders throughout history, including Moses, Peter, and King David, have battled with doubt and felt inadequate to complete the mission that God had called them to perform.

A pastor's job is challenging, yet it may also be fulfilling. Being open to attempting something new in these rapidly evolving times is crucial. The SHIFT leadership program gives pastors the tools to save time, communicate more effectively, and get to know and engage with their community better. It also offers supportive, holistic innovations for flourishing in ministry.